When One Door Closes, Another One Opens – Nicholas Ryan

Hi Sam! Your career journey inspired me to share where I’ve come currently with my career path. I was working at a company that I thought was my dream job as a sales project coordinator for a modular construction company. As time went on I realized I wasn’t growing my skill level and I like you became very unhappy, unmotivated and needed change. Unfortunately the change wasn’t on my own terms for I was unexpectedly laid off (day before I left for vacation mind you) with a handful of my other coworkers at the time because the company was going under. As unhappy as I was in the company, I thought my world had came crashing down and I had failed myself. However little did I know then, this was a blessing in disguise. I applied for new positions that were in my field (architecture/construction) but ones that were also on a completely different path from what I was doing because I knew I needed change. Two weeks later I was accepted in a company that does audio/video/lighting design and also handles touring for bands and singers such as Ariana Grande (eek!), Greenday, etc. I’m now in the Engineering department, I do a lot of drafting design of which I thought I wanted nothing to do with and absolutely love every second of what I do, the good and the bad! I learned from this that sometimes you have to endure the rain to enjoy the sunshine so no matter what you must push yourself no matter how far you’ve fallen. I believe strongly everything happens for a reason, my reason in this situation was to see how I can pick myself back up and pick up the pieces and come out in top higher than where you were. 🙂


Thanks for listening!
IG: @nicholasryan00